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Il cuore grande delle ragazze (2011)

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Il cuore grande delle ragazze (2011)

The Big Heart of Girls

Regia/Director: Pupi Avati
Soggetto/Subject: Pupi Avati
Sceneggiatura/Screenplay: Pupi Avati
Interpreti/Actors: Cesare Cremonini (Carlino Vigetti), Micaela Ramazzotti (Francesca Osti), Gianni Cavina (Sisto Osti), Erika Blanc [Erica Blanc] (Eugenia Vigetti), Manuela Morabito (Rosalia Osti), Gisella Sofio (Olimpia Osti), Massimo Bonetti (Umberto Vigetti), Isabelle Adriani, Stefania Barca (Amabile Osti), Rita Carlini (Maria Osti), Maria Pia Aricò, Tiziana Buldini, Sara Pastore (Sultana Vigetti), Roberto Messini [Bob Messini], Luciano Casaredi, Paolo Fiorino, Sydne Rome (Enrichetta), Andrea Roncato (Adolfo Vigetti), Marcello Caroli (Edo Vigetti)
Fotografia/Photography: Pasquale Rachini
Musica/Music: Lucio Dalla
Costumi/Costume Design: Catia Dottori
Scene/Scene Design: Giuliano Pannuti
Montaggio/Editing: Amedeo Salfa
Suono/Sound: Piero Parisi
Produzione/Production: Duea Film Spa, Medusa Film, Sky Cinema
Distribuzione/Distribution: Medusa Film S.p.A.
Vendite all'estero/Sales abroad: Filmexport Group
censura: 104721 del 28-10-2011
Altri titoli: The Big Heart of Girls
Trama: Prima metà degli anni '30, in una cittadina dell'Italia centrale immersa nella campagna. La famiglia contadina dei Vigetti ha tre figli: il piccolo Edo, Sultana e Carlino, giovanotto molto ambìto dalle ragazze. Gli Osti invece sono proprietari terrieri che hanno fatto fortuna e vivono in una casa padronale con le loro tre figlie, tutte da maritare: le più attempate, Maria e Amabile, e la giovane e bellissima Francesca. Facendo buon viso a cattiva sorte, Sisto e Rosalia Osti accettano che il giovane contadino Vigetti corteggi le due sorelle maggiori con l'intento di sistemarne almeno una. Inizia un periodo di incontri con le due ragazze nel salotto di casa Osti, turbato però un giorno dall'arrivo improvviso di Francesca dalla città in cui è stata mandata a studiare. Tra i due è colpo di fulmine. Tutti i piani vanno in fumo: Carlino non vuole più corteggiare le due sorelle bruttine, e Francesca, la perla della famiglia, non vuole sposare altri che lo spiantato contadino. Dopo l'iniziale contrarietà gli Osti devono cedere: Francesca, disperata, forza loro la mano con tutti i mezzi. Si prepara il matrimonio, ma nella concitazione che lo precede ci si dimentica di avvisare il prete: tutti gli invitati con l'abito della festa e gli sposi felici di fronte alla chiesa si trovano davanti una porta chiusa! La cerimonia salta. Passa poco tempo e stavolta tutto sembra davvero pronto per lo sposalizio….
Sinopsys: We are in the first half of the '30s, in a small town in central Italy. The Vigettis are a family of peasants, mother, father, uncle, an aunt ex-prostitute of anglo-saxon origin and three children. The little Edo who is the one telling the story from his teenage point of view, Sultana with long plaits and Carlino a young man considered a good catch by the girls for his seductive ways and perturbing scent of hawthorn coming from his mouth… The Ostis instead are a family of land-owners who have made a fortune and live in a country-house with their three daughters, all three of them marriageable: the rather elderly and quite ugly Maria and Amabile and the young and beautiful Francesca. Time goes by relentlessly so the engagement followed by marriage of at least one of the two unlucky Misses Osti has to take place. Fate wants that the man mostly sought-after by the young ladies of the town be destined by the respective families to pay court and to accept a marriage of convenience with one of the two sisters. Therefore, for thirty long days, every evening, for one hour, Carlino will meet the ladies in the living-room of the Osti household. It is the last day when Carlino meets, as if sent from above, Francesca, the pearl of the family, who on her part, is destined to a high rank marriage. But Francesca, seduced by the hawthorn scent, decides she will marry no other man than the penniless peasant. After the initial indignation and opposition, the Ostis are forced to give in as Francesca, desperate, attempts suicide for love, luckily without serious consequences Therefore the preparations for the love marriage begin, but due to all the excitement they forget to warn the priest: the guests, all dressed up and the happy bride and groom are outside the church facing a closed door! The ceremony doesn't take place but the wedding banquet already arranged and paid for, will not go to waste ... thereafter everyone heads back home. Carlino is desperate as from the very first moment he saw Francesca he is dreaming of their first wedding night ... after a short time and when everything seems to be ready, the Vigettis are struck by a great loss in the family: Adolfo, the head of the family, dies suddenly and this time the wedding is celebrated but in an atmosphere of sadness. Finally it's their wedding night…spent in a refined hotel room. Francesca is anxiously waiting, but Carlino is a restless spirit, and a busty maid, old flame of his, with the complicity of the many toasts of good wishes, fascinates him to the point that he forgets his beloved bride. Francesca's character once again is determined and resolute: the day after she is already on the train heading south, to the home of a distant aunt living near the sea. Nothing and nobody can convince her to give Carlino a second chance, until some dramatic news reaches her; in despair the young man has killed himself and without even becoming a real wife, Francesca is a young widow. Grief-stricken and with regret for the joyful life she had dreamt of and lost forever, Francesca returns home. The train stops her at the small station where there is someone waiting, someone who she thought she would never see again: it is Carlino, who resorting to this extreme trick has managed to reunite to his true love. This time everything can really begin; a long life to be spent together with no room for boredom.

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