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365 (2014)

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365 (2014)

365 The Time of a Journey

Regia/Director: Roberto Minini Merot
Soggetto/Subject: Roberto Minini Merot
Sceneggiatura/Screenplay: Roberto Minini Merot
Interpreti/Actors: Paolo Fresu, Fabrizio Fresu (Paolo da piccolo)
Fotografia/Photography: Enrico Maria Brocchetta, Angelo Volponi, Alberto Bernasconi
Suono/Sound: Sergio Bianchi, Federico Minini, Mauro Tondini
Produzione/Production: Myro Communications
Distribuzione/Distribution: Mariposa Cinematografica
censura: 108557 del 29-05-2014
Altri titoli: 365 The Time of a Journey
Trama: Questo film racconta Paolo Fresu e il suo mondo musicale, ma non si limita a presentare una successione di brani musicali, ? un viaggio nell'esperienza della musica, un racconto che vuole scoprire e raccontare come nasce un sound e quali sono, appunto, le esperienze, i vissuti, i caratteri, i luoghi, le emozioni, i ricordi...che, magicamente, lo fanno nascere. Un anno (365 giorni, come dice il titolo) trascorso in tour con Paolo Fresu, seguendolo nei suoi diversi progetti musicali in diverse parti del mondo.
Sinopsys: The trip is an opportunity for an intense and passionate conversation about Fresu's music world, his way of living and imagine music, embracing it with other spheres of art: poetry, literature, theater, visual art, cinema... In alternate editing , there are pictures of practices before concerts; live performances - in theaters and in the most amazing scenery - crossing and merging different styles and genres; compositions and arrangements of songs, from the staff to the first executions;studio recordings ; improvised jam sessions; transfers by car, train, plane during the stages of a tour; convivial moments between artists, in their homes, walking through the cities, in public venues; their considerations and their stories in foreground, confidently facing the viewer... As a further counterpoint, in a sort of dialogue in the distance, Fresu's personal reflections, often in voice over on a path of images and fragments of memory, highly symbolic and evocative, that will accompany us throughout the whole story... Through this mosaic of events and memories, the figure of Fresu emerges in all its artistic and existential dimension and projecting itself in the young's imaginary and, consequently, in the public one, as symbol of a lifestyle choice.

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