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Tra cinque minuti in scena (2013)

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Tra cinque minuti in scena (2013)

On Stage in five Minutes

Regia/Director: Laura Chiossone
Soggetto/Subject: Marco Malfi Chindemi, Laura Chiossone
Sceneggiatura/Screenplay: Gabriele Scotti
Interpreti/Actors: Gianna Coletti (Gianna Coletti/Marina), Anna Canzi (Ada/Pinuccia), Gianfelice Imparato (Lorenzo/Antonio), Luca Di Prospero (Alessandro), Elena Russo Arman (Lea/Enza), Anna Coletti (Anna Coletti), Urska Bradaskija (Almira/Dorina)
Fotografia/Photography: Alessio Viola
Musica/Music: Into The Trees
Costumi/Costume Design: Grazia Materia
Scene/Scene Design: Paolo Sansoni
Montaggio/Editing: Walter Marocchi
Suono/Sound: Claudio Grandi
Produzione/Production: Rossofilm
Distribuzione/Distribution: Parthenos
censura: 107416 del 10-06-2013
Altri titoli: On Stage in five Minutes
Trama: Gianna è una figlia, con una madre anziana e molto ingombrante di cui prendersi cura. È anche un'attrice, con uno spettacolo teatrale da portare in scena tra mille difficoltà. Non da ultimo è una donna, con una storia d'amore in punta di piedi cui è difficile trovare spazio. Un film che in un gioco di scatole cinesi racconta con il sorriso il prendersi cura di qualcuno che ha bisogno di noi, mixando documentario, teatro e fiction.
Sinopsys: Gianna is a daughter, with an elderly and very demanding mother to look after. She is also an actress, working on a stage production fraught with difficulties. And on top of all this she is a woman, with a delicate romantic situation that she finds hard to fit into her life. Like a game of Chinese boxes, the film blends documentary, theater and fiction and tells, with a gentle smile, a story about looking after somebody who needs us. When we first meet Gianna she is struggling to cope with the health problems of her elderly mother, who is no longer able to live independently. She has also just landed a part in a theatrical production that addresses this very issue: the difficulties and conflicts within the mother/daughter relationship when the former, who is approaching the end of her life, is completely dependent on the latter. Like Gianna, the play has its fair share of problems to deal with too. In a sub-plot running parallel to Gianna's story, the film portrays the struggles of artistic endeavor in Italy today and tells the story of the stubborn determination and ultimate success of this small group of actors.

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