La variabile umana (2013)
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La variabile umana (2013)The Human Factor
Regia/Director: Bruno Oliviero Soggetto/Subject: Bruno Oliviero, Valentina Cicogna Sceneggiatura/Screenplay: Valentina Cicogna, Bruno Oliviero, Doriana Leondeff Interpreti/Actors: Silvio Orlando (Adriano Monaco), Giuseppe Battiston (Carlo Levi), Sandra Ceccarelli (signora Ullrich), Alice Raffaelli (Linda Monaco), Renato Sarti (dirigente questura), Arianna Scommegna (Ruth Levi), Dafne Masin (Olivia), Giorgia Senesi (Cristina) Fotografia/Photography: Renaud Personnaz Musica/Music: Michael Stevens Costumi/Costume Design: Silvia Nebiolo Scene/Scene Design: Silvia Nebiolo, Luigi Maresca Suono/Sound: Matteo Olivari Montaggio/Editing: Carlotta Cristiani Produzione/Production: Lumiere & Co., Invisibile Film Distribuzione/Distribution: BIM Distribuzione Vendite all'estero/Sales abroad: Intramovies censura: 107610 del 08-08-2013 Altri titoli: The Human Factor Trama: Milano. Un ispettore, stanco del suo lavoro, si trova costretto a occuparsi di un omicidio. Scoprirà un mondo sotterraneo e pericoloso, con cui farà i conti a livello personale, diviso tra sentimenti e senso del dovere. Sinopsys: After the death of his wife, inspector Monaco seems uninterested and tired of his work. Refusing to return to the streets he spends the days behind a desk at the office, checking documents, photographs looking for evidence, just to avoid human contact.
One night the murder of a rich entrepreneur Mr Ullrich, forces him back on the streets. He finds himself facing his own daughter Linda, arrested for possessing a gun and suspected to be implicated in the case. As a policeman and as a father, he decides to take part on the investigation along with Levi, his colleague and friend. It will be a long night of revelations and discoveries.
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