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Senza nessuna piet (2014)

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Senza nessuna piet (2014)

Regia/Director: Michele Alhaique
Soggetto/Subject: Andrea Garello
Sceneggiatura/Screenplay: Andrea Garello, Michele Alhaique, Emanuele Scaringi
Interpreti/Actors: Pierfrancesco Favino (Mimmo), Greta Scarano (Tanya), Claudio Gio? (il roscio), Renato Marchetti (Stefanino), Iris Peynado (Pilar), Adriano Giannini (Manuel), Ninetto Davoli (Santili)
Fotografia/Photography: Ivan Casalgrandi
Musica/Music: Luca Novelli, Pierre-Alexandre "Yuksek" Busson
Costumi/Costume Design: Mariano Tufano
Scene/Scene Design: Sonia Peng
Montaggio/Editing: Tommaso Gallone
Suono/Sound: Alessandro Bianchi
Produzione/Production: Lungta Film, PKO
Distribuzione/Distribution: BIM Distribuzione
Vendite all'estero/Sales abroad: Indie Sales
censura: 108628 del 01-07-2014
Trama: Mimmo vorrebbe fare solo il muratore, perch? gli piace pi? costruire palazzi che rompere ossa. Invece recuperare crediti, con le cattive, ? parte integrante del suo mestiere, almeno secondo il signor Santili, suo zio nonch? datore di lavoro. Mimmo vive in un mondo feroce dove si rispettano regole e ruoli, se si vuol tirare a campare senza problemi: giusto o sbagliato che sia, ? l'unico mondo che conosce. Tutto cambia quando nella sua vita irrompe Tania una ragazza bellissima con la quale scoprir? presto di condividere la voglia di sfuggire a un destino gi? segnato. Ma non si pu? sperare in una nuova vita senza fare i conti con la vecchia.
Sinopsys: Mimmo likes building things better than breaking bones. He'd like to be just a bricklayer, but he's also obliged to collect debts from the inhabitants of highrises on the outskirts of Rome. He works for his uncle, Mr. Santili, whom he loves and respects like a father. On the other hand he can't stand Manuel Santili, his depraved and arrogant cousin. And the aversion is mutual. Roscio, who would be his best friend if he had one, and the half dozen employees of the firm complete the family. It's a world with clear rules and hierarchies, where those who don't screw up have their bread and butter guaranteed, along with a bit on the side. Right or wrong, it's the only world Mimmo has ever known. Everything changes when Tania comes into his life. She's beautiful, young and has understood for a while now that in life she has to fend for herself. She knows that men are ready to spend money to have her and takes advantage of it. Obliged by an unexpected turn of events to spend a night and a day together, Mimmo and Tania will find themselves united by the need to feel loved and by the desire to escape a fate that seems already sealed.

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