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Cose cattive (2012)

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Cose cattive (2012)

Evil Things

Regia/Director: Simone Gandolfo
Sceneggiatura/Screenplay: Debora Alessi, Simone Gandolfo
Interpreti/Actors: Marta Gastini, Pietro Ragusa, Jennifer Mischiati, Nicola Sorrenti, Aaron Omossiese, Giuseppe Loconsole, Jun Ichikawa, Sara Lazzaro, Ettore Scarpa
Fotografia/Photography: Ezio Gamba
Musica/Music: Matteo Curallo
Costumi/Costume Design: Micol Agricola
Scene/Scene Design: Sara Ferraris
Suono/Sound: Daniele Turi
Montaggio/Editing: Chiara Horn
Produzione/Production: Inside Productions S.r.l.
Distribuzione/Distribution: Inside Productions
Vendite all'estero/Sales abroad: Filmexport Group
censura: 106623 del 11-10-2012
Altri titoli: Evil Things
Trama: Un messaggio, un blog, quattro ragazzi entrati a far parte di un gioco perverso. Un carnefice, il Master del blog, quattro vittime - nessuna veramente innocente - e un processo in diretta streaming su internet, in cui gli utenti voteranno per la vita o la morte dei protagonisti.
Sinopsys: A ruthless cat-and-mouse game ensues when the blog Evil Things launches a competition: users and the mysterious Master will present an equally mysterious prize to those who post the most evil things. The important thing is to win, by doing something evil, it doesn't matter to whom. When four winners are chosen, they receive an email telling them when and where they can pick up their "prize." Their destination is a small mountain town, a limbo of freaks and misfits, where someone is spying on them from afar. "From behind a computer screen, we are protected by virtual anonymity, but also deprived of the instinct that is sparked when we are face to face with another human being. Proximity allows us to look at the other person, smell them, and decide with our gut, before our brain even, whether or not we can trust them. None of this can happen on the web, and when the virtual encounter becomes physical, the consequences can be extreme." [Simone Gandolfo].

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