Allacciate le cinture (2014)
Torna indietro Allacciate le cinture (2014)Fasten your Seatbelts
Regia/Director: Ferzan Ozpetek Soggetto/Subject: Gianni Romoli, Ferzan Ozpetek Sceneggiatura/Screenplay: Gianni Romoli, Ferzan Ozpetek Interpreti/Actors: Kasia Smutniak (Elena), Francesco Arca (Antonio), Filippo Scicchitano (Fabio), Francesco Scianna (Giorgio), Carolina Crescentini (Silvia), Carla Signoris (Anna), Elena Sofia Ricci (Viviana/Dora), Paola Minaccioni (Egle), Giulia Michelini (Diana), Luisa Ranieri (Maricla), Maria Sole Piccinni Fotografia/Photography: Gian Filippo Corticelli Musica/Music: Pasquale Catalano Costumi/Costume Design: Alessandro Lai Scene/Scene Design: Marta Maffucci Suono/Sound: Marco Grillo Montaggio/Editing: Patrizio Marone Produzione/Production: R&C Produzioni, Faros Film Distribuzione/Distribution: 01 Distribution Vendite all'estero/Sales abroad: Path? International censura: 108202 del 19-02-2014 Altri titoli: Fasten your Seatbelts Trama: Allacciate le cinture ? la storia di una passione tra due persone incompatibili tra loro: Elena e Antonio sono gli opposti che si attraggono. Nell'arco di dieci anni il loro rapporto, confrontandosi con le sfide e le insidie della vita, attraversa tutte le fasi, dall'innamoramento fino all'abitudine e quasi al conflitto per poi ridiventare vero amore. Sinopsys: Elena and Antonio are not made for each other: they are too different, in terms of character, life choices, worldview and the way they relate to others. They are total opposites. However they are overwhelmed by a mutual attraction that they should avoid. Not only because they are not compatible, but also because Elena is engaged to Giorgio, and Antonio is engaged to Silvia, who is Elena's best friend. Plus Fabio, the young Elena's best friend, hates Antonio because he is openly homophobic. Initially, between Elena and Antonio, there is physical attraction and this is the first real turbulence in Elena's life. Everyone will have to deal with the unexpected in a sudden storm of passion that changes all the rules of the game of their relationships. However this will not be the only turbulence in Elena's life... |
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