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Black star - Nati sotto una stella nera (2013)

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Black star - Nati sotto una stella nera (2013)

Black Star

Regia/Director: Francesco Castellani
Soggetto/Subject: Francesco Castellani, David Turchi, Lib isp Liberi Nantes Footbaall Club
Sceneggiatura/Screenplay: Francesco Castellani, David Turchi
Interpreti/Actors: Luca Di Prospero (Gianluca), Alessandro Procoli (Marcello), Gabriele Geri (Gabriele), Vincenzo Zampa (Giulietto), Paolo Giovannucci (ispettore Modica), Pierpaolo De Mejo (Fabrizio), Alfredo Angelici (Roberto), Tony Fornari (Bruno), Martin Chishimba (Kabir), Frederick Turchi (il piccolo Pietro), Giuseppe Takyi (Samuel)
Fotografia/Photography: Eric Biglietto
Musica/Music: Ennio Morricone
Costumi/Costume Design: Fiorenza Cipollone
Scene/Scene Design: Paki Meduri
Montaggio/Editing: Francesco Bianchini
Suono/Sound: Alessio Costantino
Produzione/Production: Point Films
Distribuzione/Distribution: Point Films Srl
censura: 107526 del 09-07-2013
Altri titoli: Black Star
Trama: Quattro amici italiani gestiscono una squadra di calcio di rifugiati politici con l'obiettivo di farla partecipare al campionato cittadino. In estate, ottengono in gestione un campo di calcio abbandonato nel cuore del quartiere Pietralata, ma si trovano a fronteggiare l'opposizione di alcuni abitanti che hanno fondato un comitato di quartiere per rivendicare l'uso del campo. Grazie a un abile avvocato, il comitato ottiene un'ordinanza di sgombero. Pur di non rinunciare al proprio sogno, i ragazzi della squadra reagiscono barricandosi nel campo per quattro giorni, fino a un imprevedibile epilogo durante la notte di San Lorenzo.
Sinopsys: Black Star is freely inspired by the true story of a real football team made up of refugees, the Liberi Nantes Football Club. I met the team in 2007 on a dusty pitch on the outskirts of Rome; the occasion was a match against a group of Roman kids. On the field a banner reading "free to play" appeared. I think my first idea for the film was right there in that "free to play": the aspiration, that is, for a space to play in but also to live in and express oneself. It's a need everyone shares, and it holds for a playing field just as it does for life, work, talent and love. It holds for a refugee, an illegal immigrant, but also for any ordinary Italian kid. We're all looking for our own direction in life, our destiny, and a sphere of existence where we can be free. And we all sense that this potential freedom is threatened by fear and the precariousness of life. I didn't want to make a film about immigration but tell a story of human relationships instead, poised between comedy and drama. The issue of immigration comes into the picture as a consequence, it's a catalyst for the tensions between individuals thrown into a daily reality in which immigrants and non-immigrants are united by the uncertainty and precariousness of their situation, denied, all of them, of their identity and stability.

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