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Neds - Delinquenti non educati (2012)

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Neds - Delinquenti non educati (2012)

Regia/Director: Peter Mullan
Soggetto/Subject: Peter Mullan
Sceneggiatura/Screenplay: Peter Mullan
Interpreti/Actors: Conor McCarron (John), Gregg Forrest (John, giovane), Joe Szula (Benny), Mhairi Anderson (Elizabeth), Gary Milligan (Canta), John Joe Hay (Fergie), Christopher Wallace (Wee T), Richard Mack (Gerr)
Fotografia/Photography: Roman Osin
Musica/Music: Craig Armstrong
Costumi/Costume Design: Rhona Russell
Scene/Scene Design: Mark Leese
Montaggio/Editing: Colin Monie
Produzione/Production: StudioUrania, Bluelight, Fidélité Films
Vendite all'estero/Sales abroad: Wild Bunch
censura: 106814 del 06-12-2012
Trama: Neds ( Non-Educated Delinquents = Delinquenti Non Educati ) è la storia dello sviluppo di un uomo da studente modello vincitore di premi ad adolescente armato di coltello. Lottando contro le basse aspettative di quelli che lo circondano, John McGill passa da vittima a vendicatore, da studioso a NED, da chierichetto a sniffatore di colla. Quando tenta di cambiare di nuovo e tornare indietro, la sua nuova realtà e il suo recente passato rendono impossibile la conformità e inevitabile la violenta autodeterminazione.
Sinopsys: "If you want a Ned, I'll give you a fucking Ned!" Glasgow, 1973. On the brink of adolescence, young John McGill's about to start secondary school. He's a bright boy, a sensitive boy, eager to learn, but the cards are stacked high against him. The McGill family's dirt poor, his hated father's a drunken bully. His teachers - punishing John for the 'sins' of his older brother Benny - are down on him from the start. John's on his own. And then there's the gangs. The Neds. Non Educated Delinquents. The bad boys with weapons and attitude: cheap drugs, glam rock, fumbling sex, the violence and the camaraderie of the streets. Local monsters. Local heroes. Benny's fearsome reputation buys John protection, and then a way in. Scared, resentful, full of rage, John makes his decision. If no one else will give him a chance: fuck them! John takes to the savage life of the streets with a vengeance. But as his rage and frustration spin him further and further out of control, he is left facing a blank wall. No future. With one extraordinary chance of redemption.

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