Io no spik inglish (1995)
Torna indietro Io no spik inglish (1995)
Regia/Director: Carlo Vanzina Soggetto/Subject: Enrico Vanzina, Carlo Vanzina Sceneggiatura/Screenplay: Enrico Vanzina, Carlo Vanzina Interpreti/Actors: Paolo Villaggio (Sergio Colombo), Paola Quattrini, Ian Price, Carolyn Pickles, Mario Bianco, Matteo Dondi, Mauro La Giglia, Maurizio Marsala, Matteo Pagano, Laura Migliacci, Nicoletta Boris, Antonio Ballerio, Virginie Marsan, Chiara Noschese, Giorgio Biavati, Loredana Martinez, Stefania Spugnini, Gianni Franco, Patrick Godfrey, Tony Brennero, Angelo Pireddu, Andrea Belfiore, Gaby Ford [Gabrielle Ford], John Armstead, Clive Riche, Usha Patel, Stan Nelson, John Charles Murphy, Cate Fowler, Jean Ainslie, Elizabeth Chambers, David Quiltes, Charlotte Storey, Frank Stirling, Peter Warnock, John Quarmby, Niccolò Molea (bambino) Fotografia/Photography: Gian Lorenzo Battaglia Costumi/Costume Design: Nicoletta Ercole Scene/Scene Design: Tonino Zera Montaggio/Editing: Sergio Montanari Suono/Sound: Tommaso Quattrini Produzione/Production: Italian International Film, Video 80 Distribuzione/Distribution: Italian International Film censura: 90436 del 02-11-1995 Trama: Sergio Colombo è un uomo tranquillo, vive in provincia e gestisce una agenzia di assicurazione che all'improvviso viene rilevata da una compagnia inglese. I nuovo contratti e le nuove polizze devono essere stipulate in inglese, lingua ignota a Sergio. Egli decide di imparare la lingua e, invece di andare in vacanza con la famiglia, parte per Oxford. Qui finisce in un college con dei bambini, per di più italiani. Colombo vorrebbe andare via, ma il direttore del college non intende restituirgli la somma pagata. Per Sergio tornare a scuola è un grande sacrificio, ma allo stesso tempo riscopre il bambino che è dentro di lui. Luna Park, sala giochi, musica Rock ed ogni tipo di divertimento gli restituiscono il piacere di vivere. Finito il corso torna a casa dalla sua famiglia, dagli amici e alla sua routine. Ora però egli non sopporta più le ipocrisie degli adulti: la vita senza lo sguardo allegro ed innocente dei bambini non vale la pena di essere vissuta. Sinopsys: Sergio Colombo is a man who has just crossed the threshold of middle-age. He works as an insurance broker and lives in the province of Imperia with his wife and daughter. He has an untroubled existence which moves along at the easy rhythm of the small-town community he lives in. But a storm is about to break over that tranquil existence. The insurance company where Sergio works is taken over by an important English firm, British Fund Insurance. The daily routine of the small agency undergoes immediate changes. A total transformation takes place, above all in the fact that each insurance contract must now be drawn up in English, a language of which Sergio knows practically nothing. His inefficient command of English creates monumental problems for Sergio, and before too long, his slip-ups at work get him fired. But he begs for one more chance. making a promise to his supervisors to learn English, he heads for Oxford, where he intends to enroll in a intensive course in the language of Shakespeare. Upon arrival in Oxford, however Sergio discovers that the language school he has chosen is not what he expected. The college is attended not by people of his age but by children, and Italian children at that! He makes plans to chance schools, but the administration refuses point blank to refund the 10 million lire in course fees he paid in advance. Against his better judgment, Sergio decides to stay on. But the situation proves a difficult one. He finds himself back behind a schooldesk similar to that of his childhood; forced to go to bed at nine, to eat up everything on his plate. He receives the exact same treatment as a child, and if he steps out of line, he is punished. But as time passes, his hared school term with the kids is gradually transformed into an extraordinary experience. So much so that when the course ends and he returns to Italy, to his family and his normal routine, Sergio can no longer stand to be a part of the hypocrisy of the adult world. He realizes that a life lived without the innocence and good humor of children is a life not worth living. |
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