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Sound Track (2013)

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Sound Track (2013)

Regia/Director: Francesca Marra
Soggetto/Subject: Francesca Marra, Enrico Oldoini
Sceneggiatura/Screenplay: Francesca Marra, Enrico Oldoini
Interpreti/Actors: Vincenzo Amato, Andrea Osvart, Giorgio Lupano, Valentina Lodovini, Fabio Ghidoni, Iaonn Macalpin Gunn, Fabiana Ponzi
Fotografia/Photography: Roberto De Nigris
Musica/Music: Francesco Cesari, Giacomo Vitullo
Costumi/Costume Design: Monica Gaetani
Scene/Scene Design: Paola Riviello
Suono/Sound: Pierre Yves Lavouè, Roberto Alberghini
Montaggio/Editing: Fabio Loufty
Produzione/Production: Leading Entertaiment S.r.l.
Distribuzione/Distribution: Microcinema S.p.A.
censura: 107830 del 06-11-2013
Trama: Paolo, un fonico di set, è fidanzato con Linda, giovane attrice emergente. I due si trasferiscono per un breve periodo in un paesino abruzzese dove Linda prova uno spettacolo teatrale incentrato sulla gelosia e il triangolo amoroso. Paolo assiste alla vita di Linda: lei è' bella, di talento, corteggiata. Dentro di lui nascono l'insicurezza e la gelosia, a cui lui non riesce a dare voce. Paolo imbocca la strada verso la follia senza riuscire a fermarsi, follia che diventa profondamente distruttiva nei confronti della donna amata.
Sinopsys: Linda and Paolo have been together for some time, she is a young actress, he's a sound engineer on set. She is beautiful , bright and ambitious , he is taciturn , introverted, but despite their opposite characters, they seem to have found a way to be happy together. They move for a few weeks to a remote village in Abruzzo, where Linda will rehearse for a theatrical performance. They choose an isolated house in the country as their love nest . Linda starts rehearsals with her colleagues and with the director, Andrea, who tends to be very possessive of Linda , making Paolo feel immediately excluded. He does not have any professional role , being is there only to accompany her. The show staged by the company is about a married couple , who keep alive the erotic tension and emotions by inventing ambiguous situations and encounters with other men. She then tells him, and he pretends to believe it true. But the game takes precedence over reality , and the "he" of the couple is no longer able to distinguish fiction from reality and loses his head . Linda involves Paolo by asking him to help her try it, and pushes him through the tortuous mazes of the couple, along the way something happens to him. Linda begins to look different, the attention from Andrea magnifying the loneliness of his days does not help , the mountains around him become distressing , the discovery of a neighbor, morbid though harmless, triggers a spring madness that perhaps not even Paolo could have suspected. Paolo finds himself more and more a prisoner of his discomfort , a dull and gloomy jealousy of which he cannot talk to anyone. It take a road of no return toward a paranoid dimension , which leads him to be totally destructive of the woman he loves . Linda does not realize what is happening to Paolo, he is taken by his work. Most of all she never puts into question the trust in the man she loves . When she discovers the petty trap he set for her, she decides to repay him with his own medicine. Linda could not have imagined how determined Paolo 's destructiveness is. The end seeks to be liberating , it erases at least part of the emotional violence suffered by Linda , although nothing can erase the hurt of a woman scorned.

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