Le nuove comiche (1994)
Torna indietro Le nuove comiche (1994)The New Comics
Regia/Director: Neri Parenti Soggetto/Subject: Leo Benvenuti, Piero De Bernardi, Alessandro Bencivenni, Domenico Saverni, Neri Parenti Sceneggiatura/Screenplay: Leo Benvenuti, Piero De Bernardi, Alessandro Bencivenni, Domenico Saverni, Neri Parenti Interpreti/Actors: Paolo Villaggio (Paolo), Renato Pozzetto (Renato), Ramona Badescu (donna campeggio), Sergio Di Pinto (ladro), Roberto Caporali (coreografo), Denis Ganiò, Claudia Zaccari, Luigi Petrucci, Sonia Viviani, Antonio Allocca, Isa Gallinelli, Sergio Gibello, Elena Marotta, Renato Cestiè, Guerrino Crivello, Bruno Di Luia, Marna Del Monaco, Barbara Garzella, Sandro Ghiani, Gianluigi Ghione, Manuela Morabito, Sergio Testori, Catherine Zagò Fotografia/Photography: Alessandro D'Eva Costumi/Costume Design: Fiamma Bedendo Scene/Scene Design: Maria Stilde Ambruzzi Montaggio/Editing: Sergio Montanari Suono/Sound: Benito Alchimede Produzione/Production: Cecchi Gori Group - Tiger Cinematografica, Videomaura - Produzioni Audiovisive e Pubblicitarie Distribuzione/Distribution: Penta Film Distribuzione censura: 89807 del 08-11-1994 Altri titoli: The New Comics Trama: Paolo e Renato escono dal televisore dove viene trasmessa una delle loro comiche ed entrano nella realtà. In veste di elettricisti di uno spettacolo i due si inseriscono nel balletto di Romeo e Giulietta e inceneriscono l'intero corpo di ballo. Li ritroviamo poi nella loro casetta sul fiume, sulla cui soglia essi trovano un neonato. Si spacciano per una coppia modello per avere il piccolo in adozione, ma poi si sacrificano e restituiscono il piccolo ai genitori naturali. Nell'episodio successivo sono due poliziotti che, incaricati di tutelare un giudice da una coppia di evasi, finiscono per consegnarlo ignari agli stessi banditi. Infine si concedono una vacanza in un campeggio dove si innamorano di una ragazza. Delusi, si impiccano entrambi, ma una mongolfiera aggancia la corda a cui si sono appesi. Finiscono, dopo varie vicende, in una isoletta in mezzo al mare, dove provocano la catastrofe finale. Sinopsys: Paolo e Renato magically step forth from the screen and enter the real world. Their first appearance is as electricians, called in to help when a theatre performance is thrown into chaos by a power black-out. Next up, they are found at their cottage on the river, seemingly unable to get along anymore. Renato is about to pack his bags and leave when the arrival of a newborn baby, steered by destiny onto their doorstep, changes his mind. This gives rise to their antics as inept babysitters and putative parents. When their attachment to the baby grows ,they resort to disguising themselves as a model couple in order to legally adopt him. The episode that follows find them in uniform, as police officers to guarantee the safety of a magistrate being threatened by two escaped criminals whom he sentenced to life behind bors. While attempting to protect their charge, the duo's clumsiness pushes him into increasingly dangerous situations. They make life miserable for both the magistrate and his consort, unwittingly guiding him right into the criminal hands. Paradoxically, they end up by saving his life, but not without blowing up his house by way of one final, unintentional intervention. When they take off for a holiday, they do so at the expense of everyone at the camping ground, which they descend on like an avalanche. They lose the heads over a beautiful girl after saving her from drowning in the lake. The efforts of each one to win her affection away from the other becomes a virtual fight to the death. But the girl brushes them both off, patching things up with her boyfriend instead. When each of them becomes convinced that the other has triumphed, they both hang themselves from the same tree. By the time they wise up to their mistake, they are already flying, hanging from a balloon fortously attached to the rope from which they were dangling. |
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