Due occhi diabolici (1990)
Torna indietro Due occhi diabolici (1990)Two Devilish Eyes
Regia/Director: Dario Argento, George Romero Soggetto/Subject: George Romero, opera, Dario Argento, Franco Ferrini Sceneggiatura/Screenplay: Dario Argento, Franco Ferrini, George Romero Interpreti/Actors: Adrienne Barbeau (Jessica Valdemar), Harvey Keitel (Rod Usher), Tom Atkins (Grogan), E.G. Marshall (avvocato Steven Pike), Madeleine Potter (Annabel), Christine Forrest (infermiera), Ramy Zada (dottor Robert Hoffmann), John Amos (ispettore Legrand), Chuck Aber (Mr. Patt), Jeff Howell (poliziotto), Sally Kirkland (Eleonora), Barbara (Martha), Martin Balsam (signor Pym), Bingo O'Malley (Ernest Valdemar), Kim Hunter (signora Pym), Holter Ford Graham Fotografia/Photography: Beppe Maccari, Peter Reniers Musica/Music: Pino Donaggio, Pino Donaggio Costumi/Costume Design: Barbara Anderson, Barbara Anderson Scene/Scene Design: Cletus Anderson, Cletus Anderson Suono/Sound: Felipe Borrero Montaggio/Editing: Pat Buba, Pasquale Buba [Pat Buba] Produzione/Production: A.D.C. Produzioni Cinematografiche e Televisive, Gruppo Bema Distribuzione/Distribution: Artisti Associati International censura: 85361 del 22-01-1990 Altri titoli: Deux yeux maléfiques, Two Evil Eyes, Los ojos del diablo, Two Evil Eyes, Two Evil Eyes, Two Devilish Eyes, La verità sul caso di mister Valdemar, Il gatto nero Trama: 1° episodio
Ernest Valdemar sta morendo. Egli guarda davanti a se un metronomo. Il pendolo capovolto ondeggia lentamente. Jessica, la giovane moglie, aspetta la sua fine complotta con Robert Hoffmann, medico di famiglia e suo amante, per impadronirsi del patrimonio di Valdemar. Sotto l'influsso del metronomo ipnotizzante Valdemar muore, ma il suo spirito ipnotizzato è ancora vivo...
2° episodio
Rod Usher tortura e uccide il gatto della sua fidanzata Annabel per scattare alcune fotografie sensazionali. Dopo questo crimine la sua mente si deteriora gradualmente. Una notte, ubriaco, egli si porta in casa un gatto esattamente uguale a quello ucciso. Annabel lo scopre mentre sta tentando di strangolarlo...
Sinopsys: First episode Ernest Valdemar is on his death bed and his young wife, Jessica, awaits his end, plotting with Robert Hoffman, her husband's doctor who is her lover. The doctor hypnotizes the dying man so that he leaves all his earthly goods to his wife. Valdemar dies while still in a state of hypnosis, so his death is only partial. In vain his wife tries to finish him off with a revolver. With the same weapon the half-dead man kills the woman while the doctor, as he flees from the house, is killed by mysterious ghosts who resemble his victim. Second episode Rod Usher uses the cat belonging to Annabel, the woman who lives with him, to take photographs which he intends publishing. Annabel thinks that he has tortured the animal to obtain sensational pictures. Rod's mind gradually deteriorates and he brings home another cat like the first one and is discovered by Annabel while he is trying to strangle it. After a terrible quarrel Rod kills Annabel and hides her corpse behind a false wall he builds in the flat. The disappearance of Annabel makes the neighbours suspicious. They call the police who discover the crime. As he is being arrested Rod kills one of the policemen and pushes the other one out of the window, but he will die with his victim because they are handcuffed together. |
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